Firebird locking from 10.000 ft
[small intro to locking and MGA in firebird ]
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[small intro to locking and MGA in firebird ]
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[ZeosDBO is an set of open source database components (with firebird support):they need more delphi/lazarus developers ]
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An alternative to cvs/subversion for delphi users, what is interesting about it ? you can install it on an firebird server or use the firebird 1.5.x ebedded included in the JCVS app server setup (you can read the release notes)
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[I agree with the open source databases vs mssql part, if you look at netcraft or browser stats: apache and firefox are growing stronger than the other side (dark side), so it happens in the db space]
10.MySQL / PostgrSQL / Firebird threatens MS SQL Server. SQL Server is the one division that showed a modest profit in 2004, but many database professionals are switching Open Source alternatives. Even though sales for SQL Server is growing, it is growing at a slower rate than the overall market.
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[Firebird used in embedded device ]
DB/CRM module accompanied with Lefthand CRM is a great extension of Your ethernus.
Stable, preconfigured [Firebird] database server for your company and flexible Customer Relationship Management encourage your employees to more efficient work.
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This is the latest version of FBReplicator. This version is the same as version 4.1 excpet that idbc.dll has been modified. There is no need to download this entire setup to move from 4.1 to 4.2, Download and replace your ibdc.dll only (contained here) to upgrade from 4.1.
If you check out firebird source tree read below the letter from team
Seems that Clustered JDBC got new release out- Now they renamed the project to Sequoia also project have new license : apache’s one
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ps: it does have firebird support by using jaybird
[ED:interesting perl tool for dumping firebird’s database structure- didn’t test it yet]
Perl program to help extracting a database’s data and metadata and dumping it as a set of SQL commands (similar to pg_dump or mysqldump).
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It seems that MacPro Office Manager uses Firebird as its backend database.