Firebird 2.0 RC2 binary kits for Win32 are uploaded
Firebird V2.0 Release Candidate 2 Windows builds are now available for download.
Firebird V2.0 Release Candidate 2 Windows builds are now available for download.
DebianHelp brings an article about installing Firebird on Debian Linux, as well gives the first steps to change SYSDBA password, creating a DB, etc.
After investigating my options for some time I finally decided to write my own
replication engine for Firebird (from scratch). FiBRe came closest to my needs,
but it’s requirement that all tables have column named ID simply doesn’t fit.
Morfik developed the breakthrough web app RAD tool, WebOS. WebOS generates AJAX web applications in an environment that resembles Delphi C/S development. It uses Firebird as its DB server. One important part of its technology is “JST”, a javascript compiler. Google has released a similar technology, perhaps licensed from Morfik.
Read more here
Windows (setup & zip), Linux (gtk1 &. gtk2), Mac OS X and source packages are available for download. Read more here, changelog included
DotLucene is an open-source search engine library for .NET. There is now set up a demo site ( that tests DotLucene performance on quite a big set of documents
[ index can be stored in firebird database]
From Dmitry Yemanov – For those who’s not yet aware – Linux x86 snapshot builds are available at They include a few recent builds of the Firebird 2.0 release candidate as well as builds from the HEAD branch (where new development happens).
Win32 snapshot builds (Firebird 2.0 only) are still here.
Snapshots are intended for Firebird developers and experienced beta testers. These builds are untested and provided with no guarantees.
I have created an Firebird Live CD by adding an firebird-super-server and flamerobin packages.
Here is the small howto.
ps: latter i will upload the iso on the
The Firebird Project has begun releasing source and binary kits of Firebird 2.0 Release Candidate 2. As usual, the Linux builds will be available first. Please do not flood the support lists if a kit you want is delayed. We have no control over how long it takes the mirrors to catch up.
Download information can be found here ( Please review the changelog for details ) :