Firebird and bitweaver on CVS HEAD
Rumors say that on development branch of the upcoming bitweaver major version Firebird works already very well
Rumors say that on development branch of the upcoming bitweaver major version Firebird works already very well
FirebirdClient v2.0 for Microsoft .NET 2.0 and mono is available for
Download information can be found here:
This OLEDB provider is being updated to become more compatible with FB 2.0. From the news page:
Philippe Makowski wrote on Firebird-General:
Firebird Mandriva Corporate Server VMware virtual machine is ready
It is made with :
* Mandriva Corporate Server 4 beta 3
* Firebird 2 RC2 Classic Server
* Python and PHP drivers
* Flamerobin and IbWebadmin
In order to provide additional/much needed functionality to assist in
tracking project issues, the existing SF Trackers are being replaced
with a new tracker based on the JIRA product
A new list has been created for those wishing to share their
experiences about deploying Firebird databases in big networked enterprises.
“In the open source world, we are always flattered when changes are attributed to open source,” said MySQL Chief Executive Officer Marten Mickos. “But the enormous price pressure and the desire among customers to get away from licensing fees is self-inflicted and not a result of open source. Open source just happens to be the perfect answer to the cry.” – Read more here.
Finally we have moved to our new server in Canada, thanks to the generosity of Broadview Software. More news shortly about our other new server, running a Firebird back-end and our new tracker system. [Ed: this server is way faster than watch the Alexa’s Site Stats ]
We are pleased to announce the availability of the phpBB3 Beta1 package. With this first beta release we are officially starting the beta testing phase. Below are some guidelines regarding the first beta as well as the download locations.
We are glad to inform you that “The InterBase and Firebird Developer Magazine” #4
is available for free download.
Please download it from one of the following locations: