INM VizionDB uses Firebird
INM VizionDB is the first database management tool designed to meet the needs of skilled programmers, creative individuals and everyone in between by combining leading-edge database technology and support for the creation of engaging interfaces within Macromedia Director.
Built on a solid foundation of renowned, industry-standard Firebird database technology, INM VizionDB supports SQL and additionally offers a Lingo API, familiar to Director developers.
Read more here.
flamerobin is waiting for an debian sponsor
we are looking for an debian sponsor so that flamerobin to be included in debian repository
[ED:Sponsorship means that a Debian developer uploads the package on behalf of the actual maintainer. The Debian developer will also check the package for technical correctness and help the maintainer to improve the package if necessary. Therefore the sponsor is also called a mentor.]
Firebird Enterprise
Paul Beatch wrote on Firebird-General mailing list:
A Firebird user commissioned IBPhoenix to put together an accurate
report showing how capable Firebird was in the Enterprise and we interviwed some
very large users 🙂 I have asked to see if I can make that report publically available. [So here it is ]
Right click and save as…
Creating firebird users in delphi
Here is the google translation of the original article
How do we counteract this perception of Firebird being leaderless?
Paul Beach Response to Forrester’s article about Firebird
As with any Analyst report, the results tend to be utter garbage. No matter how often you explain things to them, if they aren’t going to listen, or understand you are on a loser. Nobody said the project was leaderless, because it isn’t – there is an admin team that look after it, but unlike other open source databases the project isn’t driven by a commercial company. Postgres and Firebird work in the same way by utilising a large community of followers.
At the same time the Analyst has ignored the people he spoke to who use Firebird and come to his own – wrong – conclusions.
Firebird-Interbase Backup Scheduler 2.0.0
FIBS is a solid, lightweight and fast scheduler so as to meet most backup-tasks-needs. It uses firebird/interbase command line tool gbak.exe to backup safetly and mirrors it to any other disc or computer for extra protection against backup-disc crash.
Here is the softpedia’s download link
Using ibexpert with linux and wine
You can use wine on other operating systems (even on older unsuported versions of windows)
Here is the link to article in pdf format
[ED rant :
I think is time for the world to post articles in ODF format , we need an open rw web]
firebird2 (fb 1.5.x) startup problem in dapper ?
Here is the the solution on the ubuntu forums
Firebird Generators: Everything you wanted to know
This is a very nice article about Firebird generators: Firebird Generator Guide