New Bulgarian translation for FB 2 Min.
The “Get to know FB in 2 minutes” paper was translated to Bulgarian by Todor Kichukov. Now the paper is available in 12 languages!
The “Get to know FB in 2 minutes” paper was translated to Bulgarian by Todor Kichukov. Now the paper is available in 12 languages!
Jornal de Piracicaba, the local Piracicaba’s newspaper has published today a notice about the 3ยบ Firebird Developers Day. An online version of the notice can be read here (in portuguese).
Borland is expected to announce a deal during the next few weeks having picked a buyer from a shortlist of three candidates narrowed from 10, sources told The Register. The deal is believed to be worth between $100m and $150m. More info here.
The new IBO subrelease (4.6Bc) supports all the new features of Firebird 2.0. You can download a trial and get more info at the IBO site.
ComputerWorld site published an article about Firebird:
Weeks praised Firebird’s “super server” architecture, which is a “drop-in replacement” for MySQL and can do whatever MySQL can do “with its eyes closed”. – Read full article here.
Here is a site with dozens of database models to be downloaded. Thanks Fabio Alves for sending the link.
Interesting article can be read here. Thanks for Fabio Alves for sending the link.
My new book, Firebird 2, was released today in Brazil, by Ciencia Moderna publisher. The preface (from Ann Harrison) and the summary can be downloaded here (in portuguese).
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Today is Dmitry Yemanov birthday ๐ Let’s give him 10 min. of “no Firebird coding” time, so he can enjoy a piece of the cake!