Let’s help Marina to win the contest!
Vote for Marina Novikova (Attention: her NUMBER is 475), from DevRace and InterBaseWorld, so she can win the Surf contest! Right now she is in the 2nd place! More information here.
Vote for Marina Novikova (Attention: her NUMBER is 475), from DevRace and InterBaseWorld, so she can win the Surf contest! Right now she is in the 2nd place! More information here.
I’ve been promising the Firebird Tutorial for .NET for a long time.
Now there is a first “beta” version: http://www.firebirdtutorial.net/. I decided to start with the .NET 2.0 topics – a lot of interesting things happen around FirebirdClient 2.0 and there is not much documentation about it (unless you are a fan of mailing list browsing).
Hi, everybody,
After much delay, I’ve finally prepared debian packages of 2.0 branch of firebird. They can be reached at [1]. This is the RC4 release from 13th of August.
These packages conflict with 1.5.3 series, so if you want to give your databases a try (strongly encouraged), backup them with 1.5.3 *before* installing 2.0 packages.
Please give these a hard time testing and don’t forget to send feedback to pkg-firebird-general@lists.alioth.debian.org. Reading Release Notes[2] would help avoiding common problems.
KInterbasDB is a Python extension package that implements Python Database API 2.0-compliant support for the open source relational database Firebird and some versions of its proprietary cousin Borland Interbase. In addition to the minimal feature set of the standard Python DB API, KInterbasDB also exposes nearly the entire native client API of the database engine.
KInterbasDB is free–covered by a permissive BSD-style license that both commercial and noncommercial users should find agreeable.
What’s new in release 3.2?
The connection string to a database should never be hard coded in your application. There is (almost) always a difference between the development and production database server. Besides that IT management should have an easy way to change the configuration.
Read more on the weblog of Peter van Ooijen
We recently came across a neat and free backup scheduler that works for Firebird database tables. [it’s about FIBS backup scheduler]
I [benomathew] was working on a setup program that installed an emergency server on one of the workstations when the database server is not available.. the program i created did a silent install of the firebird engine (by using the /SILENT command line parameter).. firebird has the following components
So are there any Firebird partisans out there who’d like to tell me what’s so great about Firebird? Thanks in advance, and I’m especially grateful for the flame-free nature of your expected contribution.
Here is where you can give an response
A reader of this blog recently commented that Firebird should be the database of choice on Linux, which I think deserves a follow-up. Firebird is indeed one of the database management systems that should be considered for robust and performance critical applications…[Ed: read more on the obove link]
Work was done by Damyan Ivanov (with the help of mentors.debian.net) . Here is the proof on debian-mentors mailing list and Damyan’s request for sponsorship