Where are the Mysql, Firebird books in your shop?
Did you seen the Firebird book in local shops ?
One mysql user is complaining that mysql books aren’t in the “database” area [ED: seems that he spoted one firebird book]
Did you seen the Firebird book in local shops ?
One mysql user is complaining that mysql books aren’t in the “database” area [ED: seems that he spoted one firebird book]
There has been one official release of the ActiveRecord-JDBC adapter, a 0.1 that has basic SQL support for MySQL.[Ed: Firebird support will be added soon , see bellow] …
We are planning a second release of the JDBC adapter very shortly. It should have reasonably solid migrations/DDL support for MySQL, Oracle, and Firebird, as well as some level of support for HSQLDB, Derby, and others. It’s moving along quickly now that it’s been spun off into its own jruby-extras project. You can go there or to the jruby-extras SVN repository to grab the bleeding-edge source from SVN.
GCafeSoft is a program, written absolutely for Gaming Cafe owners.
The Server is a robust-.NET based application, based on the v1.1 .NET Framework. The database is also as robust an element in the Server — architecture being based on the Firebird Embedded Architecture.
dnfBB is a powerful and fast 3 Tier, C# / .Net discussion board or forum. With native support for multiple forums within the same database structure which fully utilises Firebird’s features (Stored procs, triggers etc)
The final beta version of dnfBB is now available for download, this version includes all the features that were allocated to Version 1. Without a doubt there will be a few imperfections to iron out before the final release, however as far as functionality goes this is now complete (Firebird version only at the moment).
Home: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dnfbb/
Forum: http://dnfbb.fbtalk.net/
I’ve placed the first book of a Firebird 2.0 manual on-line:
This book is about the stored procedure and trigger language “PSQL” and
consists of about 100 web pages. I would expect that all 8 planned
books will be online before the end of the year.
The on-line manual is user editable, in the sense that users can post
extra information, examples and corrections — in the style of the on-
line PHP manual.
All feedback is welcome.
The FirebirdClient 2.0.1 RC1 Data Provider for .NET 2.0 and the DDEX Provider 2.0.1 RC1 for Visual Studio 2005 are available for download.
Download information can be found here.
Treeve Jelbert (Firebird maintainer) asked an question about building firebird client only from source on SourceMage
This site has some examples of connection strings for many databases, including Firebird and InterBase.
Blog of the day about Design Paterns , Firebird Anti- Paterns