Minimizing the requirements of your application is a good thing
Minimizing the requirements of your application is a good thing.
Minimizing the requirements of your application is a good thing.
This week only, because of the 6-year celebration of our LogManager
series, there’s a 75% discount on ALL LogManager related products.
The LogManager series is a full-featured auditing suite for several
database engines, including support for InterBase, Firebird,
Advantage Database Server, Microsoft SQL Server and NexusDB.
Join the party and feel free to spread this news!
Best Regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer
LogManager Series – Logging/Auditing Suites supporting
InterBase, Firebird, Advantage Database, MS SQL Server and
NexusDB V2
Upscene Productions
(Disclaimer: I am a PostgreSQL fan, this is my subjective personal experience)
Had a interesting experience with 3 of these DBMS’es.Needed to write an application that opperates on 7000000 row table.
ED:Here are the “results”
IBAnalyst 2.0 is ready with new features list
Audio from the sections of Firebird Conference 2005 are available in MP3 format here.
If you prefer Audio+Video, use IBExpertLive application.
SAM Broadcaster can support 4 different databases. The databases are used to store song information and provide website interaction. If you have no database knowledge we recommend you try the FireBird database since it is very easy to install and use. [ED, that is my qoute of the day for firebird ;)]
Another part of the Firebird on-line manual has gone live:
Changes:Two minor issues were fixed in this minor release for the stable branch
Fishbowl Inventory does everything you need to successfully buy, sell, and manage inventory. Click on any of the feature groups to get a more in-depth description of that group