IBExpert New Version 2006.10.14 ready for Download

IBExpert New Version 2006.10.14 ready for Download

Today we uploaded a new Version 2006.10.14
of IBExpert on www.ibexpert.com

What´s new?
-Query Manager
-BEGIN/END and CASE/END visual highligting
-Interbase 2007 Support
-Debugger Support for CROSS JOIN
-IBExpertWebForms Server Script Version now available
-IBExpertWebForms vmware Server demo now available
-New IBExpert Book
-Firebird Conference 2006
-Das Highlight der IBExpert Roadshow 2006: IBExpertWebForms
Termine 19.10. in Berlin und 20.10. in Hamburg

and much more …

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Minimizing the requirements of your application is a good thing

Minimizing the requirements of your application is a good thing.

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75% discount on Upscene’s LogManager series, this week only!

This week only, because of the 6-year celebration of our LogManager
series, there’s a 75% discount on ALL LogManager related products.

The LogManager series is a full-featured auditing suite for several
database engines, including support for InterBase, Firebird,
Advantage Database Server, Microsoft SQL Server and NexusDB.

Join the party and feel free to spread this news!


Best Regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer
LogManager Series – Logging/Auditing Suites supporting
InterBase, Firebird, Advantage Database, MS SQL Server and
NexusDB V2
Upscene Productions

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