The first Russian Firebird and InterBase Conference was due in October 14th, 2006, and organized by, a well-known Firebird/InterBase company in Russia.
The conference gathered about 190 participants and 35 sponsors and speakers. It was an one day conference with 17 sessions, talking about Firebird 2.0, Firebird 2.1, InterBase 2007, Fyracle, FIBPlus, FastReport, IBProvider, IB/FB Developer’s Studio, different aspects of using Firebird and InterBase (performance optimization, database repair…), experience in creating billing and other systems.
In the intervals between sessions, people were able to talk with Firebird developers and other specialists close to Firebird and Interbase technologies.
Conference was a success, and we can expect the 2nd edition for the next year.
You can check pictures here (use Babelfish if you want to translated the pictures subtitles).