FSQL V1.5.6

Ivan Prenosil just released FSQL V1.5.6. It can be considered an “enhanced” version of isql, with features likes importing data from csv, showing active connections, inserting file contents into blob, making a backup from sql script, colour output highlighting, etc…

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DevCo becomes CodeGear

Borland today announced it will not divest DevCo but run it as a separate division within Borland. The new division will be called CodeGear. The main reason given for the change of plans is that currently the financials of DevCo could not adequately be separated out from the ALM business. See here for details.

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Firebird Final V2.0 Released

The Firebird Project yesterday evening officially released the much-anticipated Version 2.0 of the Firebird relational database during the opening session of the fourth international Firebird conference. This release brings a large collection of long-awaited enhancements that significantly improve performance, functionality, security and international language support.
It was announced at the Firebird Conference in Prague, Czech Republic

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EMS Data Import 2.2 and Data Export 2.3 are now available

EMS Data Export EMS Data Import 2.2 and Data Export 2.3 are now available and can be downloaded from the download pages
Download Data Export for IB/FB
Download Data Import for IB/FB

What’s new in Data Export version 2.3

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Firebird Cheat Sheet

Lorenzo Alberton: Since I couldn’t find a Firebird SQL cheat sheet, I wrote one, listing useful information about the upcoming Firebird 2 external link such as its data type, its internal and UDF functions, and the php ibase functions. The cheat sheet is here.

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