Firebird 1.5.1 Mac OSX Panther to Tiger upgrade crash
The old Firebird-CS-1.5.1.pkg isn’t compatible with macosx Tiger, please
download the latest package from SF (1.5.3). That should work.
The old Firebird-CS-1.5.1.pkg isn’t compatible with macosx Tiger, please
download the latest package from SF (1.5.3). That should work.
It points now to the right page
CodeGear, the Borland Developers Tool divison, now has its own site up and running. CodeGear will be responsable to continue the development of Borland IDEs (Delphi, JBuilder, etc) and InterBase database.
We‘re very happy to see you’re intensively testing version 6.6.
To make testing and bug reporting easier we decided to change a few things.
[ED: There are good guides for using Zeos components with Firebird+Delphi and Lazarus too]
Old vulnerability surfaced up from the deep . If you have an old Firebird 1.5.x please upgrade to latest version
ps: seems that securityfocus is updating their own vuln database so this is why it surfaced up again (the bug was squashed long long time ago)
Edson Lidorio wrote an small intro to MDO components (original version is in portuguese)
In this guide Juan Carbajal is showing us how to move firebird databases from windows to linux , guide is written in spanish again
pdk63 asked :”Is it possible to download them from somewhere? I don’t seem to find them, neither at FirebirdSQL nor IBPhoenix.”
Well there are some daily Firebird 2.1 (HEAD) builds snaphots for linux from
Soon some windows builds will be uploaded on main site