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Free IBExpert PWX InterBase/Firebird Password Change Tool

Using this tool, any user can change his own password as needed.
You just have to enter the servername, the username, the old
password and twice the new password. It can be freely distributed
anywhere. To get a version without the IBExpert logo and info
text, please contact info@ibexpert.biz.

Download: please register with complete address at

IBExpert Customer Version will include this tool starting next
Free IBExpert PWX InterBase/Firebird Password Change Tool

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Merry Christmas

FirebirdNews.org wishes every Firebird lover a Merry Christmas! Site will be online 24×7, but you can notice some delayed posts, since some authors should be out for Christmas vacations, etc 😉

A special thanks goes for Marius Popa for his help posting news in the site!

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Altering procedures in use

From Dmitry Yemanov: As you might know, Firebird 2.0 no longer allows to alter/drop procedures that are used by active statements. However, we’ve got many requests from customers to restore the previous behaviour, because now it’s impossible to upgrade metadata under load. While we don’t consider this practice safe, I’d like to report that the new limitation is removed in the v2.0.1 release, thus rolling back to the prior logic. All potentially confusing situations (when two different versions of the procedure may coexist in memory simultaneously) are reported in firebird.log.

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