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plan for Firebird 2.0 package in debian

When is planned packaging of Firebird 2.0 ? Damyan responds:

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Firebird docs – how can you help ?

Rodney Gedda wrote on documentation list

I caught up with Helen this week and she mentioned help was needed
with Firebird documentation. Well, here I am. Let me know if there
is anything I can help out with.

and Paul gave him this answer:

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Poll about auto-index stats update in FB

Dear users,
I work at a project related to a possibility to have the index statistics auto-updated and humbly I ask your opinion. Please feel free to vote below.
m. Th.

PollPub.com Vote

How do you look a possible implementation of Auto update index statistics in Firebird?

Very useful.
It would be nice, but I can live without.
I preffer my own custom way to update the statistics.
No, I’m against it.
What is this about? (or I don’t know what ‘statistics’ are)

View Results

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BlazeTop (SQLHammer) 1.7 – a tool for IB/FB database administration

We are happy to announce that Devrace BlazeTop (former SQLHammer) version
1.7 is available for immediate download. BlazeTop is a Firebird and InterBase visual environment for database development and administration.

Besides many fixes and enhancements BlazeTop 1.7 includes Firebird 2.0 support, SQL Editor optimization (text syntax highlighting) and full UNICODE support. Now you also have an option to purchase BlazeTop for the price of 129 Euro only!

What’s BlazeTop?

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