Teguh Ramanal’s Blog – language unknown
Someone is using Firebird and Flamerobin but i don’t know what is his native language ( is he from Jackarta Indonesia ?)
Someone is using Firebird and Flamerobin but i don’t know what is his native language ( is he from Jackarta Indonesia ?)
[ED: he added Firebird 2.0 RC3 in his list of great software releases for the previous year but he forgot that firebird final was released in November]
2006 was a great year for software. I thought I would make my first post of the new year as a review of the software that was released last year that caught my interest. This is software that I think will have an impact on the world (some big, some small). It is not necessarily software that I use on a regular basis (or at all :).
Gied wrote this question on forums.microsoft.com
I want to connect tot an Firebird Database with visual basic 2005, i´ve followed the following tutorial …
Can be downloaded for testing (i.e. its not released)
Right Click and Save As.
Any feedback appreciated.
Paul Beach
Note to Readers: First article of this type ever by this author so proceed with caution and without any guarantees.
FreeRADIUS Version 1.1.4 has been released, with a few notable improvements.
The ChangeLog is included below:
* Added preliminary code to support Firebird. (closes: #378)
Use at your own risk!
Dmitry Yemanov today posted to the Firebird-devel list his proposals for merging the Firebird 2 code with the Vulcan code. If you are interested in how it will be done and who will be doing it, subscribe to the list and watch the thread entitled “Merge Proposal”.
When is planned packaging of Firebird 2.0 ? Damyan responds:
The papers (where available) for the Firebird Conference 2006 talks are available for download here (you need to right click and use “Save As”).