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firebird 2.0 debian packages available for testing

Debian users are encouraged to help proof-testing the newly packaged firebird 2.0.

Please help improving the packages by reporting bugs to dam@modsoftsys.com and/or Jabber ID dam@jabber.minus273.org

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Interbase Stored Procedure Grammar

One of our customer recently wanted to perform some heavy duty computations on his Interbase Stored Procedures (analysis and transformations).
Instead of plunging head on in an ad-hoc tool, we started to build a general parser. So we had to start-off with a BNF grammar. We already presented a simplified Sql grammar for the main INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and SELECT requests. So we extended this grammar to handle the stored procedures as well.

Most of the grammar applies to Firebird as well. You can read the full article here.

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New Null Guide beta

There’s a new Null Guide beta at
The following things have been added since the previous beta:

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