RedExpert: free open source tool for Firebird administration from RedSoft

RedSoft, Platinum Sponsor of Firebird Foundation and contributor of Firebird Project development, has introduced the new major version of the free open-source multi-platform tool for administration and development of Firebird databases: RedExpert v2020.04.1.

The new version introduces:a test data generator, database object dependencies, and many other improvements and bug fixes.
Download here RedExpert installation and binaries.

Join RedExpert development
If you like RedExpert as a tool and as an idea of a free multi-platform high-quality tool for Firebird, and if you have experience as a Java developer or tester, or simply as advanced Firebird user, please join the development effort: RedExpert sources are available in GitHub, please submit your pull-requests there, and send your feedback, bug reports, suggestions, etc to Issues section on GitHub.

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Firebird discussion lists moving to GoogleGroups

Since Yahoo is slowly killing its discussion lists, some of the Firebird “official” discussion lists are being moved to GoogleGroups.

Firebird-support seems to be the first one:

Hello Firebird-support members,

The firebird-support list is moving to Google Groups. The new location is

Unfortunately we cannot migrate the current Yahoo! subscribers, and you will need to resubscribe yourself, in one of two ways:

(1) If you have a Google account, log in to Google, go to the group’s home page!forum/firebird-support;context-place=overview), Click the link labelled ‘Join this group’ and follow instructions there.

(2) Without a Google account, you can apply to join by emailing this address using the email account you want to use for communicating with the group:

You should receive a confirmation email. Respond as directed to complete. (this does not require a Google account).

For posting to the list you can use

Note, if you are subscribed to more than one Firebird-related Yahoo! group, your will need to go trough a similar process for each of your groups.

Helen Borrie for Firebird Project
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Live about Firebird

For Portuguese speakers:

Estarei em uma live sobre o Firebird no dia 28/abril às 20h. Falarei sobre os principais recursos, comparativos e casos de uso reais, além de um update sobre a atual situação do Firebird 4.
Carlos H. Cantu

Adicione um lembre na sua agenda:

Adicionar ao calendário

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IBProvider News

Hello Everyone,

We are released new updates for our products.

IBProvider v5.16

LCPI ADO.NET Data Provider for OLE DB v1.18

Full news text:

Kind Regards, IBProvider Team.

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Stored routine debugger Hopper, v2.1 released

Upscene Productions is proud to announce version 2.1 of “Hopper”, a stored
routine debugger for InterBase, Firebird or MySQL.

This release brings new features for the MySQL Edition and bugfixes to the InterBase or Firebird Edition.

Version 2 includes support for Firebird 3 packages and stored functions, MySQL diagnostic-statements, binary data in variables and much more.

For more information, check the Hopper page at our website.

About Hopper
Hopper is a stored routine debugging tool for MySQL, Firebird and InterBase. If you use
stored procedures on these database systems, Hopper will be a great tool for debugging
these routines.

About Upscene Productions
Based in The Netherlands, Europe, this small but dedicated company has been providing
database developers with useful tools for over 18 years. Slowly expanding the product portfolio
and gaining recognition amongst InterBase and Firebird database developers, they now offer
tools for a whole range of database systems, including Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server.

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