InterBase/Firebird Development Studio has been updated

SQLLY Development team is happy to announce the availability of the next version of InterBase/Firebird Development Studio. This release introduces support for Windows Vista and seems to be working under Linux with WineHQ.

Please find detailed list of news and fixes at:

More information about InterBase/Firebird Development Studio can be found at:

30-days evaluation version is available at the following page:

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The Python Papers , Volume 2, Issue 1, 2007

This is the complete issue containing Python User Group highlights, interviews, more on coding idioms, and an academic paper on the Firebird Database. (Revision 2)

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libgda/libgnomedb version 3.0RC 1 have been released.

After a lot of bug fixes and cleanups, I’m pleased to announce that Libgda and Libgnomedb have reached a point where the API and ABI are frozen for the upcoming 3.0 release. This new upcoming version is a complete overhaul compared to the previous 1.2.x versions (the jump to 3.0 is due to a shared libraries versionning). The sources can be downloaded from GNOME servers.

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More firebird ports

In the following months I’ll try to port firebird to all architectures
currently supported by Debian.

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Aproximated record count

Ivan Prenosil posted in Firebird support list an interesting way to retrieve the aproximated record count in a table, without using the “slow” select count(*). See the code:

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SQLAlchemy 0.3.6 released

SQLAlchemy 0.3.6 released. SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.

This is the first post-Pycon release and includes the new Query object which merges in all of the functionality of SelectResults.

More docs have been added, including some description of the new Query methods. The “generated documentation” has been broken upinto separate pages per module, with navigation added for module-level functions. Docstrings are also much more PEP compliant and are formatted using docutils.

Full changelog can be viewed at:

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