More firebird ports
In the following months I’ll try to port firebird to all architectures
currently supported by Debian.
In the following months I’ll try to port firebird to all architectures
currently supported by Debian.
By default, Firebird stores backup files on local disk, but using GBak you can use something like the following to backup a remote database, locally.
The developers who brought us Delphi, that Ferrari of Integrated Development Environments, are entering the dynamic language tools race, and this time they are sporting Ruby red.
Ivan Prenosil posted in Firebird support list an interesting way to retrieve the aproximated record count in a table, without using the “slow” select count(*). See the code:
SQLAlchemy 0.3.6 released. SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.
This is the first post-Pycon release and includes the new Query object which merges in all of the functionality of SelectResults.
More docs have been added, including some description of the new Query methods. The “generated documentation” has been broken upinto separate pages per module, with navigation added for module-level functions. Docstrings are also much more PEP compliant and are formatted using docutils.
Full changelog can be viewed at:
spotted via’s firebird 2.0.1 release announcement (scroll down to the end)
Morfik 07 was release today. It uses Firebird as the default database. Check it out, it is a great tool for generating web applications that also works in “standalone” mode with no code changes.