Products with special prices in FDD

People coming in the Brazilian Firebird Developers Day conference will be able to register many Firebird related products by a very special discounted price! The list of products includes IB Expert, all the IBSurgeon tools, FIBPlus and BlazeTop and a few others!

If you live in Brazil, it is your chance to participate in a great conference and be able to register your preferred products paying much less!

All the details can be found in the conference site.

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Talk on database locking and relational – oo bridge

I did a talk on various strategies of how to bridge relational databases and object-oriented programming. In retrospect I should have submitted this as a “double feature” talk, so that I could cover more ground on the actual using of the existing packages in the PHP space.

The other talk was on database locking. I think the biggest eye opener for people in that talk was about how MVCC, found in Firebird, Oracle, InnoDB and PostreSQL, really works and how to control the behavior as needed.

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Notice for FirebirdNews authors

The site was recently upgraded to the newest version of WordPress. Finally, the bug that was avoiding authors from using the Rich Editor for writing their posts was solved. To be able to use it, you must login in the site and edit your profile, activating the Visual Editor option.

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Dabo 0.8 Released

Dabo is a 3-tier, cross-platform application development framework, written in Python atop the wxPython GUI toolkit. And while Dabo is designed to create database-centricapps, that is not a requirement. Lots of people are using Dabo for theGUI tools to create apps that have no need to connect to a database atall.

Please see the change log for all the details, and grab Dabo 0.8 from the download page.

Currently, Dabo supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird and SQLite backends, but in the near future it will support all databases that have drivers that conform to the Python dbapi.

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JIRA Client for Firebird tracker

If you work with our JIRA tracker extensively, you may appreciate the
JIRA Client (desktop Java application) that integrates seamlessly with
it and brings more searching power and interactivity to frequent JIRA

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Eliberatica 2007 – What is Flamerobin and What is Firebird

I will do an small presentation about Firebird and Flamerobin at Eliberatica open source conference (one of the most important Romanian IT events of 2007)

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