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Firebird “fbserver” Service Connect Request Handling Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

Vulnerability has been identified in Firebird, which could be exploited by remote attackers to cause a denial of service or take complete control of an affected system. This issue is caused by a buffer overflow error in the “fbserver.exe” service (port 3050/TCP) when processing a “connect” request (0x1) with a large “p_cnct_count” value, which could be exploited by remote unauthenticated attackers to crash an affected application or execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the database.

Affected Products

Firebird version 2.0.0


Upgrade ASAP to Firebird version 2.0.1 :

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Firebird 2.0.1 included by default in ubuntu gutsy gibbon

Firebird is now included in the next ubuntu release (code named gutsy gibbon)

All you will need to do is to type this in the shell

sudo apt-get install firebird2.0-super firebird2.0-common firebird2.0-dev firebird2.0-examples
on my system i have made backups of the databases and removed all firebird related packages

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IBExpertWebForms Trial Version included in newest IBExpert Version

IBExpertWebForms Trial Version included in newest IBExpert Version

New IBExpert Version gives you a fully functional Web Development
Platform for Web 2.0 Applications. To understand how it works we
recommend to download the first 3 parts of the IBExpertWebForm
Tutorial. IBExpertWebForms is based on XML, PHP, Apache, HTML
and Javascript, but for creating such applications, you just
need your existing knowledge of SQL language and some enhancements
in IB/FB Stored Procedure Language. The IBExpertWebForms Trial
Version is included in all IBExpert Version.

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