Firebird Java External Engine Plugin 1.0.0-beta-1 released
Firebird Java External Engine Plugin 1.0.0-beta-1 is now available for download
Firebird Java External Engine Plugin 1.0.0-beta-1 is now available for download
IBSurgeon releases version 7 of FirstAID: recovery for Firebird and InterBase databases.
This version includes the following new features and bugfixes:
Download FirstAID now:
Clients with available FirstAID activations (from version 3.0+) can download and use version 7.0 with existing licenses.
Those clients who have exhausted all activations, or users of FirstAID before 3.0, can upgrade here
Firebird Project is happy to announce general availability of Firebird 3.0.6 — the 6th point release in the Firebird 3.0 series.
This sub-release offers many bug fixes and also adds a few improvements, please refer to the Release Notes for the full list of changes.
Binary kits for Windows, Linux and Android platforms are immediately available for download, Mac OS packages will follow shortly.
There is now an official preview release – v0.5.0 – available on PyPI:
All core driver functionality works, except handling of limbo
transactions due to error discovered in Firebird (should be fixed in
soon to be released Firebird 3.0.6).
This preview version was released because the driver architecture is
evolving rapidly, and I would like get some feedback before the initial
release planned for end of June.
Some important notes about the driver architecture:
Here are some main decisions related to implementation and architecture:
Django-Firebird changes : The stable version corresponds with django 2.2 and lives into stable/2.2.x branch. The current master branch of this repository is being developed under django 3.0.x.
django-firebird 2.2a1 is also published to pypi
Here is the first episode of the Developers.Pub series of interviews.
Firebird 2.5 Language Reference is Migrated to AsciiDoc
MWA Software is pleased to announce that release 2.3.4 of IBX for Lazarus is now available for download from
This is the first update in over a year and provides a consolidated set of minor bug fixes. The changelog for IBX itself is available from here and the changelog for the Firebird Pascal API is available from here.
The next release of IBX should be available in the near future and will focus on support for the forthcoming Firebird 4. It will provide support for the new Firebird data types including TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE and extended precision numerics (DecFloat).
For the Portuguese speakers:
Dia 4/junho eu, Carlos H. cantu, participarei de mais uma Live, juntamente com o Alexandre Benson Smith e Marcelo Daibert, para falar sobre o Firebird e as novidades do Firebird 4, além de responder dúvidas dos participantes.
Mais informações e link para inscrição em
Firebird Editor Pro 5.0.1 is released with the following changes :
Version 5.0.1 (May 25, 2020)