5th Firebird Conference – Call for papers
Dear Firebird Users,
The Call for Papers for the 2007 Firebird Conference is now officially open. We encourage every Firebird user with something to say to to send us your proposals for great sessions. You will be able to participate as a speaker at the Firebird Conference in the following ways:
- Regular session: present a 30 or 60 minute session about a technical or business topic related to Firebird
- Digital Session: create a PDF or Powerpoint session for the conference website and dvd about a technical or business topic related to Firebird
The submission deadline: regular sessions Aug 15th 2007, digital sessions Oct 1st 2007. Please use this url to submit your sessions: http://www.firebird-conference.com/c4p/
5th Firebird Conference will be held from 18th-20th Oct 2007 in Hamburg, Germany.
For questions please contact info@h-k.de (english or german language)
5th Firebird Conference is organised by HK-Software in cooperation with Firebird Foundation.
Best Regards
Holger Klemt
DDEX, Vista (64-bit), Firebird, Visual Studio 2005
Installing Firebird DDEX provider into Visual Studio 2005 on Windows Vista (64-bit). Nothing brand new, but can help begginers when trying to use Firebird in .NET and in VS.
SQLAlchemy 0.3.10 released
This is a minor release that is primarily to fix a connection pool
issue revealed earlier today. The pool issue was introduced in 0.3.9
and did not exist in prior versions, and only affects the behavior of
“timeout”, nothing to do with the state integrity of the pool or its
connections. The release also fixes some small bugs involving
binding connections directly to MetaData as well as Sessions.
SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.
It provides a full suite of well known enterprise-level persistence patterns, designed for efficient and high-performing database access, adapted into a simple and Pythonic domain language.
BlazeTop with a stored procedure&trigger debugger
Devrace writes: Devrace announces the release of BlazeTop v. It includes four bug fixes and five changes, in particular, a debugger of stored procedures and triggers. Besides BlazeTop v. is better compatible with Firebird 2.1.
New poll on-line
Please vote in our new poll present in the sidebar of the FirebirdNews main page. Voting is simple, quick and easy!
Evans Data Survey mentions Firebird
A new survey from Evans Data mentions Firebird:
Which Open Source databases have you used most often THIS YEAR?
Time to vote for you preferred database server 🙂
Report of the 4th Firebird Developers Day
The report for the 4th FDD edition is now on-line in portuguese and english. You can check some pictures of the conference.
Firebird DBMS & .NET blog
I’ve created this blog for one reason only. I just starting my first steps in database applications using .NET and I would like to share my experiences that I will face during my journey.
The major thing that affected my decision was the embedded database that gives you the ability to create standalone applications.
Thread of the day in FB2: embedded server as network client not possible
I read in the FB 2 release notes:
“In Firebird 2.0, use of the embedded server as a network client is no
longer possible.”