MySQL Takes Another Step (Away from Open Source)

In the ongoing effort to convert more users into paying customers, MySQL announced today that they are no longer making the source code tarball for their Enterprise server publicly available. You could see this coming from a million miles away. [ED: so this could be more space for firebird in  open source enterprise area]

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More information about 5th International Firebird Conference

5th Worldwide Firebird Conference 2007
18.-20. Oct in Hamburg Germany

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DB Designer Fork 1.4 released

DB Designer Fork is a fork of the fabulous fabForce DB Designer 4. While DB Designer 4 was a system optimized for MySQL, DB Designer Fork generates scripts for Firebird/InterBase, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL. DBD Fork makes modeling, querying and SQL scripting easy tasks

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Firebird – double winner of SourceForget Community Awards!

From InfoWorld:
SourceForge unveils the winners of the ‘open-source Oscars’
“…The Firebird relational database was another double winner, being voted both best project for the enterprise and the project providing the best user support.”

Congratulations for all who made this possible: The Firebird Project and all the people who voted!

Read full article here.

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KDE Firebird RBDMS Administration Tool

This is one of the many open source database projects for Firebird RDBMS administration tools on Linux. Like many of its precedents its source code can be downloaded at

Kfb is programmed with KDevelop (C++ and Qt). It is fully GUI and based mainly on IBPP,  another open source project of C++ interface to Firebird API’s.  Kfb also includes some other libraries,  ncrypt and fbcopy, and all of them are open source projects and all can be downloaded at

I have tried to achieve the goal of stability, speed and security in this project, while still keeping it easy to operate and include as many functions as possible. Kfb opeartes on FB 1.5 and 2.0 SS server.  Some efforts are to make this program more handy for the daily operations.

More information here.

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