Multiple Buffer Overflow problem

If you read the post about the Multiple Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities, I think you would be interested in this post from Svein Erling Tysvaer, in Firebird Support list:

Looking at indicates that some of the issues affects Firebird, but that they’ve been corrected in the latest release:

We contacted both Borland/CodeGear and Firebird developers about these vulnerabilities. After failed attempts to find an email address to report security issues in their products, we tried their bug tracking systems. Borland/CodeGear asked us to send information to their support email address, but we didn’t get any further responses. Firebird developers didn’t answer to our reports either, but they corrected these vulnerabilities in the latest version of Firebird.

More details can be found at

Seems like Firebird still prioritise fixing errors to a greater extent han InterBase.


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Big company using FB

This was posted by Roman Rokytskyy in the Firebird .Net Provider list:

Some time ago I have upgraded my phone contract to include also mobile internet (5GB/month) and as a normal user read the instructions on the o2 website, which suggested to install the “o2 Connection Manager” software. I installed it, but then got some device driver problems with another similar software (Vodafone Mobile Connect – I have two mobiles, one private and one from my company) and had to go deeper…

I have to confess that I did not notice the Firebird on the first check (hmmm… how could it be? should smell it from 1 km distance!), but the folder structure appeared somewhat familiar… But then I noticed the intl/ directory, then the .NET Provider DLL and finally fbembed.dll.

Considering 11 million customers in Germany, and guessing that only 1% of them uses mobile internet we get about 100 000 installations of Firebird embedded + .NET Provider. And that’s only in Germany (think about the number of installations of Telefonica O2 Europe worldwide)!

Congratulations! Keep up with good job!

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Silver sponsorship

From the Firebird Foundation blog:

 Today we received a nice cheque from David Culbertson, of CounterWorks Inc., Colorado, U.S.A., to renew the company’s silver sponsorship for a year. Thank you, CounterWorks!

Let me remind that anyone can contribute with the Foundation (with any value) and help the project to move faster and strongly.

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The Lazarus 0.9.24 release date

One of the best held secrets in the Lazarus community is the release date of Lazarus 0.9.24. Sometimes people ask when the next Lazarus release will be. The only correct answer is: “When it is finished”. And even the Lazarus developers don’t know when that is.

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