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Free Firebird PHP Generator 7.10 released

Firebird PHP Generator SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of Firebird PHP Generator 7.10, freeware Firebird GUI frontend that allows you to generate high-quality Firebird PHP scripts for the selected tables, views and queries for the further working with these objects through the web.

New version features:

  • BLOB fields now can be represented as pictures. It is also possible to add, edit, and delete the images directly from the generated web application.
  • Starting with this version our software allows you to create web-pages with hyperlinks.
  • Firebird PHP Generator now supports creation of look up menus based on a custom value list.
  • The wizard window becomes resizable. Also it can be maximized or minimized.

There are also some other new features. Full press-release is available here:

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Where Firebird Foundation Funds go?

From the FF blog:

We are currently funding 9 regular grant allocations. Where there are links, you can go and read the developer’s latest report.

  1. Development & Coordination (Dmitry Yemanov)
  2. Code Scrutineering (Claudio Valderrama)
  3. International Language Support, DSQL & Code Scrutineering (Adriano dos Santos Fernandes)
  4. Security/Code Devel. (Alex Peshkoff)
  5. QA & Testing (Pavel Cisar)
  6. QA Testing (Philippe Makowski)
  7. Core Development (Vlad Horsun)
  8. .NET Provider (Carlos Guzmán Álvarez)
  9. Foundation Administration (Helen Borrie)
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FIBPlus version 6.8 is available for download

Devrace announce FIBPlus version 6.8 with a new TpFIBScripter component and CSMonitor support. Version 6.8 has 9 enhancements and 8 bug fixes.

You can download FIBPlus trial version for Delphi and C++ Builder from Devrace website.

Devrace also remind about 30-50% discount for all customers. Please contact our online support to get them.

If the year after purchasing is not over yet, the upgrade to FIBPlus 6.8 is for free!

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LiquiBase Firebird support

LiquiBase is a java based LGPL tool for managing database changes.  If you have used Ruby on Rail’s Active Migration it is similar in concept, although it tracks applied changes differently.

The most recent version of LiquiBase (1.3.2) has added Firebird support.
Major functionality includes:

  • 34 Refactorings
  • Extensibility to create custom refactorings
  • update database to current version
  • rollback last X changes to database
  • rollback database changes to particular date/time
  • rollback database to “tag”
  • Stand-alone IDE and Eclipse plug-in
  • “Contexts” for including/excluding change sets to execute
  • Database diff report
  • Database diff changelog generation
  • Ability to create changelog to generate an existing database
  • Database change documentation generation
  • Ability to save SQL to be applied for approval by a DBA
  • DBMS Check, user check, and SQL check preconditions
  • Can split change log into multiple files for easier management
  • Can be run via command line, Ant, Maven, Servlet container, or Spring
  • Support for 11 database systems

Visit the LiquiBase site for more information and for downloads:


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