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gambas 1.9.90 released

Gambas is a free development environment based on
a Basic interpreter with object extensions, like
Visual Basic

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SQLAlchemy 0.4.0 Released

Michael Bayer writes:

I’m very happy to announce that we’ve put out 0.4.0 final. Thanks to all the contributors as well as all the beta testers who have helped us move through six beta releases, just to make sure we’ve got everything right (or as much right as we can). For those still working with 0.3, its time to upgrade ! 🙂 Lots of folks have already done it and it’s not so hard. I think this is the most well documented and easy to use SQLAlchemy yet, and its definitely the fastest by a wide margin…

What’s new in 0.4 release.

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Building firebird 2.1.x from source on ubuntu

this guide is for ubuntu and it was tested on an ec2 xen image

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Howto install firebird odbc driver for unixodbc (from source )

Here is an small guide on installing firebird odbc driver from source (alternate you can install it from binary repository )

A good reference to unixodbc is located here

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compiling firebird 2.1 on amazon ec2 machine (fedora core 6 x64)

This was done on one xen virtual machine hosted at amazon (called EC2) but this guide can be used for any fedora core 6 machine

Extra Large Instance 15 GB memory, 64-bit platform 8 EC2 Compute Units (4 virtual cores with 2 EC2 Compute Units each)

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