30 October 2007, in Paris, France there will be free seminar, organized by IBSurgeon (www.ib-aid.com), IBPhoenix France (www.ibphoenix.fr), Fast Reports (www.fast-report.com) and Mandriva (www.mandriva.com).
Speakers at seminars will be Paul Beach, President of Firebird Foundation, with keynote and Firebird news, Vlad Khorsun, Firebird core developer, Dmitry Kuzmenko, IBSurgeon CEO and recovery and optimization expert, Mike Filippenko, Fast Reports CEO, and Philippe Makowski, vice-president of Firebird Foundation and chief consultant at IBPhoenix France.
Seminar is devoted to the Firebird project news and Firebird 2.1 release features, to new IBSurgeon and Fast Reports tools and technologies in database protection, reporting and business intelligence with Firebird, and more.
There will be round table with Firebird developers and experts in the end of seminar.
Seminar will take place at 43 rue d’Aboukir 75002 Paris. Seminar is free for attendees.
Registration is here: http://www.ibphoenix.fr/spip.php?article79, it will be closed at early Monday, and only 3 seats remained now.