Firebird 2.0.3 included in Ubuntu 7.10 (gutsy)

The new ubuntu 7.10 includes firebird 2.0.3 stable

Here is the package description , Here is how to install

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Firebird – future versions

New Roadmap is under discussion in the Admin group, but based on what Dmitry Yemanov said in the Hamburg conference, next version of FB 2.1 shall be a Release Candidate, and if nothing wrong is found, the other one will be the final release (hopefully out still in this year).

For those dreaming with FB 3.0, probably there will be an intermediate release (2.5?) released before it.

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News from FF Blog

Mon 29 Oct 2007 02:30:00 GMT Broadview Resumes Gold Sponsorship Secretary
Last week at the Firebird Conference, Sean Leyne of Broadview Software, Toronto, Canada, presented a cheque for two further years of Gold sponsorship. Thanks, Sean, your cheque reached us today.

Mon 29 Oct 2007 11:10:00 GMT A New Silver Sponsor Secretary
M-Files (Motive Systems, Finland) has just become our latest Silver sponsor. Thank you, Antti Nivala.

Mon 22 Oct 2007 10:10:00 GMT Firebird Conference Mad Auction Stefan Heymann
The Mad Auction at this year’s Firebird Conference in Hamburg raised more than 3,750 Euros to augment the coffers for Firebird development. Thanks to those who dug deeply into their pockets and paid ridiculously inflated prices for their small treasures! Thanks also to the two companies that donated a total of 400 Euros in cash and didn’t take home any prizes.
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MDB2 2.5.0a1 and MDB2_Driver_ibase 1.5.0a1 released

A new alpha release of the PEAR::MDB2 abstraction layer and of the Firebird/Interbase driver has been released.

PEAR::MDB2 is a merge of the PEAR::DB and Metabase PHP database abstraction layers.

This release introduces full FOREIGN KEY constraints support, plus many fixes. Please test this release and report any issue you might experience.

Download and changelog:

MDB2 v.2.5.0a1
MDB2_Driver_ibase v.1.5.0a1

Read more

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Firebird seminar in France

30 October 2007, in Paris, France there will be free seminar, organized by IBSurgeon (, IBPhoenix France (, Fast Reports ( and Mandriva (
Speakers at seminars will be Paul Beach, President of Firebird Foundation, with keynote and Firebird news, Vlad Khorsun, Firebird core developer, Dmitry Kuzmenko, IBSurgeon CEO and recovery and optimization expert, Mike Filippenko, Fast Reports CEO, and Philippe Makowski, vice-president of Firebird Foundation and chief consultant at IBPhoenix France.
Seminar is devoted to the Firebird project news and Firebird 2.1 release features, to new IBSurgeon and Fast Reports tools and technologies in database protection, reporting and business intelligence with Firebird, and more.
There will be round table with Firebird developers and experts in the end of seminar.

Seminar will take place at 43 rue d’Aboukir 75002 Paris. Seminar is free for attendees.
Registration is here:, it will be closed at early Monday, and only 3 seats remained now.

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Firebird supports software for patents!

but firebird does not support patents for software! just kidding 🙂

The reason why i wrote this is because on the firebird conference i was informed by a visitor about He is working for one of the largest german patent lawyer companies that uses the firebird server since a long time already. Their main database has about 400GB of patent informations. Epoline ist the official software required by European Patent Office for submitting patents in all European Countries. He expects that there about 23000 patent lawyer in the EU who must use this software to submit patents. It can be downloaded for free from (about 170MB) and it does install and use the firebird server 1.5. With this information we now know that there are at least 23000 additional firebird installations in Europe. I will try to get some more background informations from the people behind this software.

This infomation might be useful for discussions regarding firebird reference users.

See you on next firebird conference in 2008 or on the firebird 2008 world bbq tour

Holger Klemt

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