eLiberatica 2008 – opportunities and business by using Open and Free Technologies

Dear partners and friends,We are pleased to announce you that we have started to organize the eLiberatica 2008 conference.

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Firebird seminar in Prague, Czech Repuplic

Free seminar will take place in Prague, November 9. It’s the second seminar in the autumn series of Firebird and Fast Reports seminars.
Seminar will be devoted to Firebird news and features, IBSurgeon tools for Firebird and Fast Report business intelligence products.

Seminar speakers will be:
Dmitry Yemanov, Firebird Core Developer
Dmitry Kuzmenko, IBSurgeon CEO and recovery/optimization expert
Michail Phillipenko, Fast Reports
Pavel Cizar, IBPhoenix consultant, CZ

Seats are limited, register now!
More details and registration is here:

PS November, 23, will be “2nd Russian Firebird and InterBase conference”.
PPS And, December 7, 2007, in Warsaw, Poland will be the next free seminar, devoted to Firebird and Fast Reports!
PPPS Germany, Japan, Kazakstan, etc…

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IBProvider v3 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) has appeared

IBProvider team is pleased to announce IBProvider v3 Release Candidate 2, which already become a part of IBProvider Professional Edition. We have fixed all known bugs and implemented new unique features.

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“Official” CodeGear/Borland dbExpress driver for Firebird

Translated from Erick Sasse blog:

This week I was in BorCon-BR and watched the Steve Shaugnessy’s talk , one of the person responsible for the database area in Delphi. He told that there will be a Borland/CodeGear’s “official” dbExpress driver for Firebird. The customers demand has now proven to justify the investment in the development of the driver. He didn’t give any details, and don’t know if the driver will be developed entirely by CodeGear or by someone from Firebird community with their help, but made it clear that it will be done. Finally, not?

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