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Firebird supports viagra user :-)

Just kidding again. a friend of mine told me about an installation in his german insurance company that requires a firebird installation. After googling for some details i found that the german medical info system “gelbe liste” (yellow list) installs a firebird server with each installation. On their website i found some impressing details: http://www.mmi.de/fileadmin/download/Tarifkarten_2008.pdf
there are about 100000 doctors using this from CD ROM in germany and the company produces about 400000 CD ROMs for these users each year, every 3 month a new one.

again a very good background information for discussing with your management about “what is firebird?”.

See you

Holger Klemt

IBExpert and Firebird 2.1 64 Bit Roadshow in Germany
10.-14.12.2007 Anmeldung http://www.ibexpert.com/roadshow

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How to influence Firebird’s roadmap

Maybe a few people know (or use it), but anyone can actually influence in what new features should appear in the next FB version, or what bug should get priority in fixing, etc. This can be done in the Firebird Tracker. The “Find Issues” menu item can be easily used to find out what new features, improvements or bugs are already registered. Of course, you can register new tickets if your issue isn’t listed yet. To increase the priority, you need to be logged-in and VOTE for it.

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