How to influence Firebird’s roadmap

Maybe a few people know (or use it), but anyone can actually influence in what new features should appear in the next FB version, or what bug should get priority in fixing, etc. This can be done in the Firebird Tracker. The “Find Issues” menu item can be easily used to find out what new features, improvements or bugs are already registered. Of course, you can register new tickets if your issue isn’t listed yet. To increase the priority, you need to be logged-in and VOTE for it.

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“InterXpress for Firebird” v2.0.1 released

Ladies, gentlemen,

“InterXpress for Firebird” is our driver that supports Borlands
dbExpress technology! Today we release version 2.0.1 of our driver,
a maintenance release to the latest major version 2.0.0

You can download a copy of it .

Currently supported are Delphi 6, Delphi 7, BDS 2006, Delphi 2007,
Kylix 3 and C++Builder 6.

What’s fixed, new and changed? Check it out here:
Fixed in 2.0.1
New and fixed in 2.0.0

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Where should you go for open source support?

An interesting story and discussion on ZDNet:

If you’re taking software free and buying support from elsewhere, the guys who built the program can’t eat, unless they find a way to get a rake-off from the support team’s revenue. Which isn’t going to happen. Or start charging you directly for their code updates, which might.

It would be interesting so see ideas discussed there apply to Firebird in any way.

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HOW TO Contribute to the Firebird Reference Documentation Sub-Project

The Firebird Reference Documentation Sub-Project has the goal to create a comprehensive Reference Documentation for the Firebird SQL Database.

PS: Anyone can pick a topic and write a piece of documentation for it. It’s small pieces on a per-keyword-basis, with no markups, just plain text with a very basic structure skeleton – so no skills in html, docbook or anything like that are required. The plan is to keep the “entry level” very low so everyone here can help. Final doc will look something like this.

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New sponsor

From Firebird Foundation blog:

Wed 7 Nov 2007 01:30:00 GMT Upcoming New Platinum Sponsor Secretary
Great to have news from Great Lakes Data Systems, Inc., that they intend to become a Platinum sponsor, starting as soon as they can get a cheque to us from the USA. Thanks greatly to the team at GLDS.
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