MailStore Home – product that uses firebird as backend

Here is the thread with mailstore application mention

MailStore looks really good (but has some broken Dialog Windows – strange for an DotNet App) – very stylish Interface Thmbsup. I downloaded the personal edition and imported some folders. The search is really fast (they are using (Firebird) Database in the background). I will try it with all my mails – on the upcoming weekend. Really nice software smiley

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kfb updated version with Report function

 kfb.0.2a is the updated new version ready to  ownload from the project’s page :

You can choose  kfbprj-0.2a.tar.bz2 or kfbprj-0.2a.tar.gz and the MUST-README-2a.txt

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Firebird 2.0.3 included in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy)

The new Alpha version of ubuntu named Hardy Heron includes firebird 2.0.3 stable
Here is the package description , Here is how to install

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