Firebird 2.0.3 included in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy)

The new Alpha version of ubuntu named Hardy Heron includes firebird 2.0.3 stable
Here is the package description , Here is how to install

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Firebird 1.5.5 RC1

The Release Candidate of Firebird 1.5.5 is now available for testing. This sub-release introduces a few bug and security fixes backported from the Firebird 2.0.x branches. These test builds are available for Windows and Linux 32-bit platforms. You can download it here.

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Warsaw, Poland, Dec 7, 2007: Firebird and Fast Report Tour 2007

Poland, Warsaw, December 7, Hotel Lord Al. Krakowskie 218: you are invited to free technical seminar, devoted to Firebird new features, reporting and database protection.
Speakers will be Vladislav Khorsun, Firebird core developer, Dmitry Kuzmenko, CEO IBSurgeon and Mikhail Philippenko, CEO Fast Reports.

Agenda, details and registration is here:
Please register immediately, seats are limited and registration will be closed soon.

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