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ANN: dbExpress driver “InterXpress for Firebird” version 2.0.2 released

Ladies, gentlemen,

“InterXpress for Firebird” is our driver that supports Borlands
dbExpress technology! Today we release version 2.0.2 of our driver,
a maintenance release to the latest major version 2.0.0

You can download a copy of it http://www.upscene.com.

Currently supported are Delphi 6, Delphi 7, BDS 2006, Delphi 2007,
Kylix 3 and C++Builder 6.

What’s fixed, new and changed? Check it out here:

With InterXpress for Firebird you have guaranteed access to
Firebird and all its features. The driver comes in two versions:

– Desktop Edition
– Server Edition

All versions come with a full year of support and maintenance
updates. The support period can be extended at a reduced price
after the first year.

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Marco Cantu blogs about CG and FB

Marco has expressed his opinion about the actual relationship between Borland/CodeGear and Firebird in his blog:

As Carlos Cantu noted, it is very relevant that one of the InterBase engineers (Sriram Balasubramanian) blogged his congratulations. This gives me a good chance to reiterate something I mentioned many times on my blog, my hope that CodeGear (and the Delphi team in particular) will consider Firebird as a partner and not as a competitor of InterBase (the project Firebird was spinned off with Borland/Inprise original blessing). In my opinion, the key priority is to fully support Firebird in dbExpress with a specific driver, but official IBX support will also be nice to have.

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Firebird and Fast Report seminar in Munich, Germany, January 24, 2008

New Year did not come yet, but we are planning new seminars for the New Year.

Now we’d like to invite German developers to our free seminar in Munich, Germany, Jan 24.

– New in Firebird 2.1, Vladislav Khorsun, developer Firebird
– Fast Reports Business Intelligence-Lo¬sungen fur Entwickler, Michael Philippenko, CEO Fast Reports
– Datenbankkorruptionen beheben, Dmitry Kuzmenko, CEO IBSurgeon
– Fast Reports neue Produkte und Funktionen, Alexander Tzyganenko, CTO Fast Reports
– Optimierung von Firebird-Datenbanken, Dmitry Kuzmenko, CEO IBSurgeon

Seats are limited, please register now:

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