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Origin of the firebird/interbase port 3050

Here is the question on Firebird-Support group

> How did port 3050 get selected as the “gds_db” service port. Was it
> chosen arbitrarily or is there some interesting story behind it? Maybe
> Jim Starkey’s phone number in Groton? 🙂

No story there at all. It was just a number that nobody else seemed
to be using at the time.
And don’t ask me to remember a 25 year old
phone number … I barely remember my current number!



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Survey about the 5th FDD

Only for Brazilians and portuguese speakers people:

Convidamos todos aqueles que tem interesse de participar da quinta edição do Firebird Developers Day a responder uma breve pesquisa on-line, para que possamos adequar cada vez mais o evento aos interesses dos participantes.

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The Compete Guide to ODBC Escape Sequences in Firebird and Interbase (with ibprovider)

ODBC Escape sequences has included in ODBC standard and allows write SQL queries which compatible with many DBMS. Firebird and Interbase does not contains own implementation for escape sequences and therefore we have implemented them in IBProvider and now users can write compatible SQL queries for Firebird and Interbase as for MS SQL Server, Oracle, My SQL, PostgreSQL, DB2 and etc.

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Firebird is the best in embedded area

Here is the full thread on nhibernat and the quote

“However, the thing that finally made us switch from SQLite to Firebird was the fact that it only support one open transaction at a time. This makes it essentially useless for multithreaded/multiuser applications. SQLite is excellent for some tasks, but if you have more than one thread/process accessing the database at the same time you really should consider using another database. ”

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