Depot Files and HP-UX

I have just finished writing a depot install for Firebird Classic 2.0x on HPUX . A depot install is the HP equivalent of a Linux rpm or Solaris package. The operating system install uninstall utilities take command of looking after the files. Although in more complex areas you still have to have the relevant postinstall and postremove scripts to handle things like links etc.

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What do you think about

Do you think that Firebird official site needs a facelift and be replaced with a new one, with a clear, professional attractive design? Please vote in our poll (look at the sidebar in the main page) and let us know.

A detailed explanation of the answers is:

  • No, it’s fine as is. – meaning that you are satisfied with the currently design and sections of the site.
  • Yes – meaning that a change would be welcome
  • Yes, for sure! – meaning that site *really needs* to be improved
  • Yes, and FB logo too – meaning that site needs to be improved, as well the Firebird official logo.

Note: Depending on the results (yes x no), a complete survey with detailed “requirements” for the changes will be built and put online.

PS: This poll is being promoted by FirebirdNews site. There are no guarantees that the people responsible for the currently firebirdsql site will do anything based on the poll results.
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Sun, MySQL and the return of integrated solutions

Post in ZDNet mentions Firebird. Check the excerpt from the full article:

There are many open source projects that offer respectable database technology including Axion, Firebird, MaxDB, PostgreSQL, Ingres and quite a number of others including an old friend, MUMPS (I was a software engineer at a company that created MUMPS-based solutions in the late Jurassic period)! If Sun tries to “squeeze” the users of MySQL, it is likely that these organizations will simply move to another platform and say goodbye to MySQL and Sun. Do you agree with my line of reasoning?

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OpenDBX 1.2.4 released

Release focus: Minor bugfixes

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gambas2 and firebird howto

Here is the tutorial in Spanish

Este pequeño tutorial lo he hecho para compartir mis experiencias y los caminos q he tenido que recorrer para llegar a acceder a mi base de datos favorita “FIREBIRD”, sin embargo este tutorial puede ser usado para acceder a CUALQUIER BASE DE DATOS siempre cuando tengas su driver odbc; asi si que sin mas preambulos comensamos con el tutorialFrin

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