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SQLObject 0.10.0b2 released

I’m pleased to announce the 0.10.0b2 release of SQLObject.

What is SQLObject

SQLObject is an object-relational mapper. Your database tables are described
as classes, and rows are instances of those classes. SQLObject is meant to be
easy to use and quick to get started with.

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Playing with Django and Firebird

I’ve been messing around with Django for a while now and having fun. It reminded me of why and how I got started in this field.

[ED:There is an nice firebird mention ]

Using Apache, Webware and Firebird as the database I set out to build something.

Firebird? Yes anything to avoid the MySQL bandwagon. I couldn’t say for sure now, but at the time Firebird was far superior to MySQL. The Firebird team didn’t think that ACID properties, foreign key constraints, stored procedures etc. were just some esoteric optional extras for something with pretensions to being an RDBMS.

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DATASUS using Firebird

Firebird is being used (and distributed) in several applications produced by DataSUS. SUS is the name of the unified public health system in Brazil. DataSUS is the department responsible for the development of computer applications, etc.

The applications are used in hospitals spreaded in the whole country. You can find several references of Firebird in DataSUS site, like here and here. Probably there are thousands of Firebird servers running only in the Brazilian’s hospitals.

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Firebird .NET provider and calling sp with parameters

Firebird .NET provider has ability to create parameterized queries. Both named and unnamed parameters are supported. Everything works as you expect with select, insert, delete or update commands. The tricky part comes with stored procedures. Unlike MS SQL, that has direct support for named parameters, in provider, we’re parsing parameter names and we’re sending it to server “in right order”, so developer doesn’t need to know, that internally parameters were send unnamed.

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Einstein teaching Firebird

Einstein, a group of universities in Brazil, is now offering extension courses based on Firebird:

  • Firebird database management
  • Advanced SQL – Triggers, Stored Procedures and UDF

More information here (in portuguese).

[ED]I know that a lot of universities here in Brazil uses Firebird as the default database for their computing courses, but it is the first time I see one of them offering extension courses based only in Firebird.

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