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Python, kinterbasdb and 64bit MacOSX 10.5

Now we have 64bit builds of Firebird 2.1 for MacOSX 10.5, we have issues trying to test them properly using the Firebird QMTest QA suite. This QA suite relies on Python and kinterbasdb. Currently Philippe Makowski has been able to run the tests from a 64bit Linux client. But is unable to run the tests locally. Well currently the python framework that comes with MacOSX 10.5 is only 32bit and this forces a 32bit build of kinterbasdb, since the build environment of kinterbasdb uses distutils to use the same compile switches as python. So I thought I would have a look at the issue and see if I could build a 64bit version of kinterbasdb for MacOSX 10.5.

This is how I did it…

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AnySQL Maestro released

AnySQL Maestro SQL Maestro Group announces the release of AnySQL Maestro – a freeware, but powerful tool for all the database engines accessible via ODBC driver or OLE DB provider (Access, SQL Server, Firebird, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc). Key features include database object management, graphical database designer, visual query builder, data export and import, BLOB Viewer/Editor, and a lot of other things.

AnySQL Maestro has been successfully tested with Firebird ODBC drivers 1.xx and 2.0 beta and all the latest Firebird server versions up to 2.1.

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Generic Database Output Module for rsyslog

An introductory article about using the new Generic Database Output Module

This modules supports a large number of database systems via libdbi. Libdbi abstracts the database layer and provides drivers for many systems. Drivers are available via the libdbi-drivers project. As of this writing, the following drivers are available:

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Integration Services, Part 1 – Import and data processing in Firebird and Interbase

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) – is a comfortable way for developing ETL processes. Integrations Services Projects are well integrated with other development tools of SQL Server 2005 – Analysis Services (SSAS) and Reporting Services (SSRS). Excel workbooks, text and XML files as well as databases with OLE DB Provider realization may be both data sources and data receivers. To work with Firebird и Interbase data в Integration Services you should use OLE DB Source and OLE DB Destination Components. Also you should install IBProvider Professional Edition.

Read full article.

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FBExport 1.70 released

FBExport is an open source command-line tool for exporting and importing data from Firebird databases. It features:

  • export and import data from Firebird databases
  • export to comma separated values (CSV) format
  • export as INSERT statements
  • use exported data as input for DML statements
  • cross platform – works on Windows and Linux
  • works with all Firebird versions (tested 1.0 – 2.1)

Here are the changes in version 1.70:

  • Slash character is no longer removed when loading statements from file
  • Username and password are read from ISC_USER and ISC_PASSWORD enviroment variables if available
  • Added header with column names to CSV export
  • Fixed bug with copying data on Windows

Download the latest version while it’s fresh 🙂

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rsyslog 3.11.2 (Development) with firebird support added

Rsyslog is an enhanced multi-threaded syslogd. Among other features, it offers support for on-demand disk buffering, reliable syslog over TCP, writing to MySQL and PostgreSQL databases, fully configurable output formats (including great timestamps), the ability to filter on any part of the syslog message, and on-the-wire message compression. It is designed as a drop-in replacement for stock syslogd and thus is able to work with the same configuration file syntax. Of course, some enhanced features require changing the configuration file, but in general, this should be fairly easy.

Release focus: Major feature enhancements

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