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ARM Linux gains embeddable SQL database

The Firebird Project has ported its lightweight, open-source database to the ARM architecture. The project is looking for help testing a new Firebird 2.1 RC2 release, which in addition to ARM support, adds database triggers, temporary and monitoring tables, common table expressions, and recursive queries


[ED: ok the arm port is not merged in the cvs yet but the code is already there in debian’s git or private patches, please ask on devel-list]

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The ZeosLib DBOs 6.1.5 – With Delphi 7 and Firebird 1.5

This little article shows how to access Firebird databases by using the ZEOS component Library in version 6.1.5 (including Patches 1&2) and how to use these components in database applications. It does not matter if you use the “real” SQL-Server or the embedded version which is restricted to local held databases. A couple of examples (also migrated Delphi-BDE demos) shall explain how to use the ZEOS components.

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Kinterbase 3.3 snapshots


You can read this thread about this release where Pavel Cisar explains his role for kinterbase project

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Firebird Project has now ports for the top4 embedded processors

Firebird Project has now ports for the top4 embedded processors used in small devices like phones
The top cpu used in that area are arm,x86,mips,powerpc according to linuxdevices survey


Here are the build results for firebird2.0 package on debian on main cpu architectures used in debian


The latest port is for arm cpu , and here is the devel-thread

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General tips for FirebirdCS on Fedora , Centos, RHEL

The Evolution Payroll service-bureau system from iSystems, LLC employs a three-tiered architecture, with the backend being one or more Linux servers running the Firebird SQL database. Evolution is able to split the load across multiple DB servers on a per-client basis. As Service Bureaus grow, it’s common to add new DB servers to the system, and this Evo Tip covers the steps required to take a fresh Fedora Core system and prepare it for Evolution.

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