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firebird2.0 security bug is now fixed in debian/gentoo

There is an grave security bug in firebird package 2.0 from debian and ubuntu
where an user can connect to the server with SYSDBA and NO password

The bug is now fixed in debian sid (unstable)

and here is the changelog

firebird2.0-super.init: stop exporting ISC_USER and ISC_PASSWORD.
Fixes a hole causing remote connections as user SYSDBA to succeed
without giving a password.
Closes: #481389 and CVE-2008-1880

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Take an Open Source Database Survey

Do you know which open source feature is the most important? Do you know which open source database rocks and which one sucks? Is MySQL better than Postgres? Is Ingres worth considering? How does Firebird compare? Have you used, or have you considered using, an open source database?

Take a survey. It’s only 15 questions so it takes just a few minutes.

I’ll post a link where you can get the results once they have been compiled and prepared.

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Beta Release of DB Difftective Products

Datanamic are very pleased to announce the beta release of our two new tools, the DB Data Difftective and the DB Schema Difftective. The beta versions of both products are now available for download.
DB Data Difftective is a tool to compare and synchronize database content.
DB Schema Difftective is a tool to compare and synchronize database schemas.
Both tools support Oracle, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, MS SQL Server and PostgreSQL databases.

+ Download DB Data Difftective Beta. + Download DB Schema Difftective Beta.

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Installing pear MDB2 Driver for Firebird

This guide was tested on Ubuntu Hardy , I assume that php5-interbase and firebird is already installed

Next you will need to install MDB2 package using pear

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