DB Master beta1 released

DBMaster is a tool for working with multiple database servers and multiple databases. Sometimes it is much easier to work using a set of commands than working with wizards. DBMaster has a command language which can be used for copying Tables, Views, etc from one database to another.

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Firebird 1.5 Language Reference Update available

Firebird 1.5 Language Reference Update available

For those who don’t regularly visit the Firebird project home page, the Firebird Documentation Subproject is pleased to announce the availability of the Firebird 1.5 Language Reference Update. This reference documents all the changes in and additions to the Firebird SQL language since the fork from InterBase 6.

Translations are under way, as are versions for Firebird 2.0 and 2.1.

A full Firebird Language Reference, obviating the need for the InterBase reference, is in preparation.


HTML: http://www.firebirdsql.org/refdocs/langrefupd15.html
PDF: http://www.firebirdsql.org/pdfrefdocs/Firebird-1.5-LangRef-Update.pdf

The Firebird Documentation Index is at:


Paul Vinkenoog
Firebird Documentation Team

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IBProvider Release Candidate 3 is available

  1. Support of the integrated Windows authentification (SSPI) for
    Firebird 2.1.
  2. Support of the system auth using environment variables: ISC_USER and ISC_PASSWORD.
  3. Feature of enable/disable database triggers for separate connection is available.
  4. Support of long names and BOOLEAN type in Interbase 7.x and Interbase 2007 was added.
  5. Support of arrays was improved. Access to arrays via IBProvider now becomes more robust in comparison with other Firebird database access components.

Read details on the IBProvider site.

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