Servoy supports Firebird

For those tired of maintaining separate code bases for Web and desktop applications, Servoy offers a way to consolidate those code bases and cut development time in half.

Servoy apps can access many different databases, including Firebird.

More information here.

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Interviews in HardSoft TV

Two interviews made with Alexey Kovyazin (IBSurgeon) and Meiji Kimura, two years ago in the 3rd edition of Firebird Developers Day in Brazil was recently discovered and published in the HardSoft TV site.

HardSoft covered the conference one more time this year, and we expect to have the interviews published in the next 2 months.

PS: IE is need to watch the videos.

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Recommended update – Firebird 2.1.1

The recent release of Firebird version 2.1.1 is very welcome.

Here are a few of the fixes I consider important for 2.1 production servers and so recommend the update:

  • Stability fixes for the monitoring tables
  • Fixed possible corruption of the users database, security2.fdb.
  • Fixed nBackup, which did not work in version 2.1.
  • Fixed a memory leak on DDL statements.

The complete list of bugs fixed and the downloads are at the Firebird SQL website.

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Firebird SuperClassic – Another option

Called SuperClassic, it will be the basis for the multi-processor support that we’ll see in Firebird 3.0.

Don’t lose count. Starting from Firebird 2.5 you will be able to choose among SuperServer, ClassicServer and SuperClassic.

Basically SuperClassic is like ClassicServer. Only instead of a process for each attachment it uses a single process with a thread for each attachment. The benefit being that it uses fewer kernel resources and is a bit faster.

Read a deeper comparison between the three architectures.

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ANN: Advanced Data Generator 2.3.0 released

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

Upscene Productions is happy to announce the next
version of their test data generator tool:
“Advanced Data Generator 2” (v2.3.0)

A fast test-data generator tool that comes with a library
of real-life data, can generate data to your database,
SQL script or CSV files, many filling options, presets and
much more.

Feature highlights:
* Ability to generate more flexible and real-life master/detail data
* Ability to use (legacy) data from CSV files
* Ability to generate proper multi-column referential links
* New ways of generating data for BLOBs, CLOBs and more
* Automatic detection of table order by using Foreign Key Constraints
* Support for custom SQL statements after data generation
* Generate data to your database, SQL scripts or CSV files

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