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New packages of IBProvider Professional Edition came out

IBProvider v3 Release Candidate 3 [build]

  • NUMERIC-types support was improved.
  • Disabled metadata cache mode performance was increased in 2.5 times.
  • Metadata schemes were updated. Among them in schemes TABLE_INFO and TABLES classification of external (EXTERNAL TABLE) and temporary tables (GLOBAL TEMPORARY PRESERVE/DELETE) was added starting from Firebird 2.1 and Interbase 7.5.
  • Correct processing of active transactions in the connection pool.

New build IBProvider v1.9.9.2547 and IBProvider v2.6.3.2547

  • BLOB-columns metadata description bug was fixed.
  • Correct processing of active transactions in the connection pool.

Details on the Firebird driver site.

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Versioning monitoring tables in Firebird 2.1/2.5

Firebird 2.1 added the long-awaited monitoring tables. By querying special system tables starting with MON$, you get a snapshot of the current activities in your database like who is connected to your database, which transactions and statements are running and so on. You even can cancel a running query by executing a DELETE statement on MON$STATEMENTS. Firebird 2.5 will also allow you to cancel an entire attachment via a DELETE on MON$ATTACHMENTS.

Read More on Thomas Steinmaurer’s Blog

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DROL Winner

The winner of the “Darwin Race of Languages” competition is Werewolf, who submited a nive GUI frontend for gbak (Windows and Linux), made in Delphi/Kylix. You can check more information and download it here.

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Virtual Volumes View 0.9 released

VVV is an application that catalogs the content of removable volumes like CD and DVD disks for off-line searching.
Folders and files can also be arranged in a single, virtual file system. Each folder of this virtual file system can contain files from many disks so you can arrange your data in a simple and logical way.

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