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Firebird backup script

This is my first released backup script for Firebird RDBMS. It automagically search for all Firebird databases from a central directory, uses gfix to validate them, then backup + gzip them to a central backup directory keeping only 5 last successful backups.

It may be used as a cron script to automate Firebird databases backup.

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Bergamo – the end

Yesterday was the final day of the Intl. Firebird Conference, in Bergamo. It was really a great time, and it is always good to meet with Firebird friends. I guess this personal contact is very important for the team, and the yearly conferences is the right place to put many of the core developers together and have lots of good conversation, beer wine and fun!

I would like to thanks P-Soft (Fabio) who organized this year conference. This is not an easy task, but everything was perfect. Thanks!

I hope to meet many of you again in the next year. Go Firebird!

Carlos H. Cantu

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Debian Package of the Day: FlameRobin: A GUI to Administer Firebird/Interbase SQL servers

Article submitted by Anton Kavalenka.

Firebird SQL server is popular because it is free, open, lightweight and secure. Firebird is based on the Interbase SQL server, and can be accessed by the same client libraries.

FlameRobin FlameRobin is a X-platform GUI application that makes the life of Firebird/Interbase admins easier. It’s a very light-weight solution (implemented with wxWidgets) as opposed to Tora, which tries to be universal, but is very huge and takes a while to load. FlameRobin starts almost instantly, but being lightweight doesn’t mean to be poor in features. Some of them are:

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fb_mhash 1.2.01 released

fb_mhash is a UDF library for Firebird/Interbase. It implements an interface to the mhash library (libmhash). It support hash, hmac, and key generation algorithms, such as SHA1, MD5, MCRYPT, and S2K_SALTED. It support BLOB data.

Release focus: Minor bugfixes

The dependency on the Firebird library was removed.

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FBCon 08 – 25-26-27 september – Bergamo – Italy

You CAN’T miss FBCon 086th Firebird International Conference that will be held in Bergamo from 25 to 27 september. Conference will be from thursday september 25 till saturday Every day have a special theme with best italian and worldwide firebird-world expert!
Here some of our sessions, for a detail go to www.firebirdconference.net:

Italian sessions :

  • CTE e query ricorsive
  • Database per sysdba – avanzato
  • Database per sysdba – base
  • Database per sysdba – web
  • Delphi, DBExpress e Firebird
  • delphi4php e Firebird
  • GO: Gestionale Open
  • Php e Firebird
  • SQL and Firebird
  • SQL enhancements in FB 2.5
  • Sw-ing
  • vTiger

english sessions:

  • 10 ways to backup FB database
  • Common Table Expressions : tutorial
  • Delphi and Firebird
  • Developing Firebird apps for pocketpc/smartphone clients
  • Execute block e trigger (database)
  • Fb{Ref?}Doc – the Firebird Documentation project
  • Fire in The Lamp – FireTube an example for scaling Firebird on web2.0
  • Firebird 2.5 Architecture
  • Firebird Development in 2008/2009
  • Firebird in real time applications
  • Firebird on Linux – advanced topics
  • Firebird on Linux – basics
  • Firebird Stored Procedures in Depth
  • Firebird, tools and Linux distribution integration
  • Installing Firebird with your application under Windows
  • Introduction to development with Firebird and Python
  • Know what is happening in your database and server
  • Managing recursive data structures (trees) with Firebird
  • Migrating from MSSQL and mySQL to Firebird
  • Practical Guide to the Garbage Collection
  • Query optimization – how to speed up COUNT(*) function
  • Replication for a high availability infrastructure
  • Security in Firebird: 2.1, 2.5, 3.0
  • Separating web development from database logic
  • Service Oriented Architecture with Firebird
  • SQL: Migliorare e ottimizzare le prestazioni
  • Stored procedures
  • The Firebird System Tables
  • Towards a REST architecture with Delphi and Firebird
  • Transactions In Your Applications
  • Ultimate Vmware Appliance – Ubuntu and Firebird
  • Updating Database structures
  • Using embedded Firebird with .NET
  • Working with Firebird in Python

To REGISTER go to www.firebirdconference.net

Also note that 24-th September at the same place, before the Conference, there will be FREE IBSurgeon seminar:

  • Introduction
  • Firebird database recovery and protection against corruptions
  • How to find and solve performance problem in Firebird with IBSurgeon products
  • Replication with IBReplicator
  • Using dbFile

p.s. I will be there. My wife told me that I must taste native pizza, pasta, cappuchino, etc.

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