Firebird (server) is back in business with Entity Framework

Via Jiri’s Blog

As you (maybe) know, there was a bug in left outer join so the model generation/update etc. in Entity Framework and similar tools was failing. The bug is now gone. Well, it’s not in some oficial release, but it’s in sources. If you want to test it, grab sources and build or grab this build (only SuperServer executable). Also take into accout, that it’s build from current sources and can be very unstable.

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In the new edition of IBProvider Professional 7 codepages support was implemented, bugs were fixed, BLOB-fields access and memory management was improved

IBProvider v3 Release Candidate 3

  • Support of the following codepages added: DOS858, TIS620, BIG5, KSC_5601, GB_2312, SJIS_0208, EUCJ_0208;
  • Bug in the errors handling for OUT-parameters of query was fixed;
  • BLOB-fields access was improved;
  • Memory management was improved;

IBProvider v2/v1

  • BLOB-fields access was improved;
  • Memory management was improved;

Source: Interbase and Firebird driver site

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5th FDD interviews for TV

Hardsoft TV was covering the last Firebird Developers Day in Brazil, and now interviews started to be put online in their site. You can check the first one here (it is in portuguese, but you can check the images of the local, attendees, speakers, etc). BTW, the link only works with Internet Explorer.

Update: The video is now available on Youtube:

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