rfc: TRUNCATE TABLE in Firebird

Vlad Khorsun posted on Firebird-Architect

One of the often task in ETL applications is to quick erase all data in some table(s). Often amount of data is big or huge (tens of millions records). In Firebird we have two choices currently – DELETE all rows or RECREATE TABLE. Both have its own drawbacks. DELETE produced a lot of record versions to clean up, its slow as works row-by-row basis and fire triggers which is almost always is not needed. RECREATE is free from this drawbacks but it will fail if there is dependencies and all related objects such as triggers, indices, constraints must be recreated too.

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Firebird and MSVC8 run-time. Again

Vlad Horsun  wrote on Firebird-Devel list

After reading MSDN articles about assemblies, side-by-side installation,
context activation API, etc, i think i have an idea how we can avoid (in most
cases) requirement to install MSVC8 runtime via Windows Installer and just
deploy it with our binaries.

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Lazarus 0.9.26 released

The changes in this release are as follows:
The LCL now uses Unicode strings encoded as UTF-8 on all platforms.
Lazarus now runs natively under Mac OS X using the “Carbon” widget
set. The LCL internal graphic system was rewritten for more
consistency, more flexibility, better Delphi compatibility, icon
support, and native image lists. The IDE designer now allows you to
connect form components, like databases on TDataModule.

Lazarus can be used with Firebird and there are many components to choose UIB, Zeos , FbLib , PDO

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What is Firebird?

Dmitry Kuzmenko has an interesting post in his blog that tries to describe what is the “Firebird Project” and “Firebird Foundation” (as well its papers in the whole thing). Also, it has some interesting statistics about downloads and installations, ie:

…But it stands more than 5000 visits every day and log more than 1000 installations at Windows platform per day (!), according to the statistics of the installer’s ‘landing page’. Also there are more than 1 mln downloads of all Firebird installers and other files per year from the sourceforge.

Read the full post.

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