kinterbasdb 3.3 binaries and source
Windows Binaries for python 2.4/2.5 are at
Also sources are there for linux/ubuntu users
Windows Binaries for python 2.4/2.5 are at
Also sources are there for linux/ubuntu users
You can test the new snapshot from here
Michael committed a few things during the last days, fixed bugs and
implemented one or two feature requests. Among them are
and I’d be glad if people found the time to check things out and post
bug reports for stuff that isn’t working. Current snapshot is rev. 1806
The initial version of kinterbasdb v3.3 was committed to subversion
(trunk). It’s basically v3.3 by David Rushby + fixes to v3.2 line we
made to make it work with FB 2.1. Source tarball and windows binaries
for fb 2.x & python 2.5/2.6 for testing should be available soon. Now
I’m working on documentation as this version introduces some important
new functionality (above all support for multiple transactions per
connection). I’ll also check the transliteration issue. If everything
would go smoothly, you can expect the final release before Christmas 😉
best regards
Pavel Cisar
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The Firebird Team is pleased to offer the Linux, Win32 and MacOSX release candidate kits for Firebird 2.0.5. Please refer to the Bug Fixes chapter of the release notes, test it well and report your experiences (good or bad) to the firebird-devel list.
Here is the download and release link . Thanks to Luiz Fernando Firebird Suport is included
How to install Firebird database engine and DDEX extension for VS2008 step by step…
We are very pleased to announce the availability of the “Hooray… new features” phpBB 3.0.3 package. This version has seen numerous stability fixes, performance tweaks and general bugs fixed. Apart from some tiny new features, this version also introduces two major new features: template inheritance and a post-based queue.
[ED: I recomand to install it because we are happy about it, phpbb3 works great with firebird and is very fast, and stable]
I’m happy to announce the release of mojoPortal, available now on the download page.And there is an new project roadmap
[ED:Works with firebird out of the box]