Name and path of .NET program accessing Firebird database
Read more on Jiri’s post Name and path of .NET program accessing Firebird database.
Read more on Jiri’s post Name and path of .NET program accessing Firebird database.
Exploring database delimited identifiers and case sensitivity: the effect of quoting table and field names in the various DBMS.
Article by Lorenzo Alberton
For the German speaking folks here …
I made my article “Aggregatstabellen mit Firebird” (aggregate tables
with Firebird) from the Entwickler Magazin 5.2008 available as download.
Check out my blog:
The new article was published: Working with Firebird and Interbase from Delphi using IBPRovider and dbGo components.
Table of content:
The TurboCASH Project is proud to present our Release Candidate 1 for TurboCASH This is the culmination of a years preparation to move TurboCASH to a new platform based on the Firebird database.
This release has been prepared to ship to 81 countries. The biggest change we have made here is to open up the the code for the input of a greater number of contributors. The plugin architecture has been widened to include Delphi dlls.
The program sports a revised user interface and improves data accessability. Included now is the Reportman Database reporter. TurboCASH 4 can run from a singel user embedded on a memory stick right up to 50 Plus users.
Today we want to officially announce the release of the ZEOS DBO Library 6.6.4 – stable
The download links are the following ones:
These downloads are also available from our forum download section and from sourceforge.
To all Lazarus users: Please excuse the little confusion about the version. We missed to icrement to 6.6.4. But it’s truely the correct version in this package!
With best Regards!
Your ZEOSLib Development Team.
Use the source, dude!
What is the difference between “select count(*) from sometable” and “select count(somefield) from sometable”?
The Firebird and the Tracker site is temporary off-line, due to a malicious attack at the weekend. People are working to put it online again asap.