Record for download and traffic stats at the
Seems to be an record for download/traffic stats at the
for firebird project , see the monthly all time graphs
Seems to be an record for download/traffic stats at the
for firebird project , see the monthly all time graphs
For all those who followed this thread, I will sum up what we have
found out:
Up until FB 2.0 it was possible to deliver a Firebird Client or a
Firebird Embedded Server by just copying the files like fbclient.dll
or fbembed.dll (and a few others) together with the MS VC Runtimes
(msv*.dll) into one folder.
Starting with MSVC8 (which is used by Firebird 2.1) and Windows XP,
just having the MSVC files in the same directory is not sufficient any
more. They have to be “installed correctly”. I don’t know what that
means exactly, but in effect it means they have to somehow be
magically teleported to the Windows\WinSxS directory where they get
funny names.
FSQL command line utility for executing sql scripts Alternative to ISQL, with some enhancements added by Ivan Prenosil
Also there is Graphical tool too
People probably noticed that second alpha (or maybe first beta) of FB 2.5 is a bit delayed. The reason is that the Trace API feature is being “investigated”, and probably will be included in the next release. This is a nice feature first developed by RedSoft, allowing to “log” everything that is taking place in the Firebird server.
Another great feature that I like in Firebird 2.1 is the UPDATE OR INSERT statement. It’s a really time saver and it makes the SQL cleaner.
Marco Cantu posted in his blog some comments about the closing session of CodeRage (an intl on-line conference done by Embarcadero/CodeGear):
The Closing Keynote was given by Embarcadero CEO Wayne Williams and was very interesting[…]Two noticeable things. First, an official reference to Firebird as a database they want to invest to. I guess better Delphi connectivity and DatabaseGear support might come to this database, but it is just my speculation.
Michael uploaded a setup for Windows XP 64 and Vista 64, could those of
you using one of those systems please try it and report success or failure?
It works on my machine, FWIW…
Michael started again to work on the FlameRobin redesign, with multithreaded database access. Since FR 0.9.0 is using the wxAUI library for tabbed property pages He decided to use wxAUI for all of FR
A new poll is up so we get an idea whether the current FlameRobin UI is liked (or not so much) among the FR user base.
Released 1 Dec 2008.