phpBB 3.0.4 released
We are very pleased to announce the availability of the “one year anniversary” phpBB 3.0.4 package
We are very pleased to announce the availability of the “one year anniversary” phpBB 3.0.4 package
Here is the package and here is the message.Thank you all for finishing this sync request.
So now we have latest stable versions forΒ Firebird and Flamerobin in the next Ubuntu release 9.04 (Jaunty Jack)
FirebirdNews wish a really Nice Christmas and a very Happy New Year to all the Firebird people, specially developers and supporters!
2009 will be a cool year, with the release of FB 2.5 and the first betas of 3.0 showing up! If you want to send a XMas gift to the project, you can do this right now contributing with the Firebird Foundation π
Go Firebird!
The Firebird Team is pleased to offer the second round of Linux, Win32 and MacOSX release candidate kits for Firebird 2.0.5. Please refer to the Bug Fixes chapter of the release notes, test it well and report your experiences (good or bad) to the firebird-devel list.
Imabas images is a network database for amateurs as well as for professional photographers, who also defaulted desires fulfilled and your own photo archive safely in a SQL database […] For an Out-Of-The-Box will launch the software on the enclosed Firebird database.
Read original article (in German) or translated to english.
TheKompany’s ERD tool, DataArchitect has had a major update
Firebird is in the list o supported databases , and is an multiplatform ERD tool , works on Linux , Windows, MacoSX, Also the screenshots are nice
CQRLOG is an advanced ham radio logger based on Firebird database.
Here is the changelog
Here are the steps for using Net Provider 1.7.2 on Ubuntu intrepid
There was no good documentation [how to do it] but in fact was realy easy.