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The Gift of CakePhp 1.2 final

Today, the history of the CakePHP grows stronger. December 25, 2008 will be remembered as one of the most important points in this history. After exactly 2 yrs from the first development release, we can happily say we have the most stable and powerful web framework available. Please enjoy our big present to you, CakePHP 1.2 stable

After you have installed it you can create applications with Firebird just like the Blog example (follow the comments for firebird tips)

You can follow an Firebird+Nginx tutorial

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Solaris port of Firebird 2.5 on x86 finished

Alex Peshkov wrote on firebird-devel list

Happy to notify you that I’ve finished with solaris port of 2.5 on x86. I.e.
currently out code base works not only with windows and posix threading, but
also with native solaris. Both dev and release builds pass tcs OK except few
minor issues with double precision arithmetics, when digits like
12.3456789123456 differ in the last column. I suppose this is related with
VirtualBox VM problems (in all other aspects it runs Solaris wonderful).

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SQLAlchemy 0.5.0 Released

The first official release of the 0.5 series is now available. This version packs a huge amount of change since 0.4 including multiple paradigm shifts in usage as well as countless bugfixes and behavioral and speed improvements. Through a series of prereleases, 0.5 is already on production systems and has been extensively tested by dozens of users. With the first 0.5 release, 0.6 is underway as well and will be where Py3k support is targeted. SQLAlchemy 0.5 is available for download on the download page. A comprehensive migration document is at 05Migration.

There is at least one firebird-specific change:

  • Added support for returning values from inserts (2.0+ only), updates and deletes (2.1+ only).
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Hewlett-Packard Violating our Trademark Rights

Hewlett-Packard has been reported as about to announce a new gaming appliance named “Firebird”. Any computer-related product is in Class 9, the same class in which “Firebird” is a protected mark registered to the Foundation. Someone at HP didn’t do his homework! Hewlett-Packard (Australia) Pty Ltd has been sent a letter by registered mail informing them of the violation and the need to ensure that the parent company knows it cannot use our trademark.

Source: Firebird Foundation blog

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Firebird Roadmap for 2009

The project is happy to share our development plans for the next year in the updated roadmap.

We’ll do our best following the schedule, but please keep in mind that the progress also depends on your field-testing feedback. We surely appreciate any assistance in this area, thank you in advance.

Dmitry Yemanov
Firebird Project

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Interviews in the 5th FDD

A new set of  interviews done by HardSoft TV during the 5th Firebird Developers Day in Brazil is now online. You need to use Internet Explorer to watch the videos. Unfortunately, there is no way to “fast forward” it, so you need to watch the video until the “interesting” part arrives (usually after the introduction, at 40% of the timeline) 😉

PS: Audio is in portuguese. Images are nice!

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