QT framework v4.5 to be released under LGPL

Thomas wrote this on the firebird-general mailing list

pretty off-topic here, but IMHO even interesting for Firebird users,
because Firebird/InterBase can be accessed via the QT framework.

Formerly licensed under GPL and a commercial license for closed source
development, releasing QT under LGPL is a very “interesting” move from

Especially for QT-based embedded devices, Firebird might be an
interesting option for an embeddable database, if:

* there is a stable Firebird specific (not the current InterBase one,
even if it might work now) QT SQL driver/module implementation available
* Firebird is cross-compilable for ARM, … (something which has been
discussed on firebird-devel from time to time. AFAIK, there is a private
ARM port of Firebird somewhere)

Ah well, just letting you know … 😉

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Firebird Python Driver KInterbasDB 3.3 Released

Source and binary distributions for Windows are ready for download at

Completely reworked and extended documentation is also available
on-line at http://www.firebirdsql.org/devel/python/docs/3.3.0/

There Are no binary Linux packages of
KInterbasDB, only Windows ones, because you can easily install
KInterbasDB on Linux from source package by using: python setup.py build
and install commands (Python version of make; make install). Everything
what you need for successful source install is GCC and Firebird

See this page for details .

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Firebird RDBMS GUI Administration Tool gfb 1.0 released

This administration tool is targeted at Linux Operating System and written in pure C, with GTK and GLADE interface.

Compared with its former generation of kfb (written in qt) this application is much faster,

All libraries used in this application are open-sourced free software, and because of GTK’s lisence, this application itself is not required to be open-source, and can be used for any purposes free.

Many new functions have been added into this application since the publication of kfb, and gfb is based on Firebird 2.1.1

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Two Firebird days in Germany – Erlanger Firebird Tag


For German language please have a look at our DBA Blog:

to  shorten the time to the next firebird conference there will be a
small     firebird     day     in    Germany,  Erlangen  at the RRZE
(www.rrze.de)   (local     computing    center   of  the  university
Erlangen-Nürnberg) from 8th to 9th May 2009.

We’ll start at Friday morning and end at Saturday evening.
There might be a pre day presentation for sponsors on 7 May.

The main track will be in German but it’s also possible to have some
English  talks as  the  once  of  Dimitry and Vlad for example and
international after track meetings.

-= Today I’m looking for sponsors and speakers =-

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IBProvider for Firebird and Interbase has been released.

Changes in IBProvider v2 (build

  • Addition of UTF-8 charset support
  • Loading of charset information for COLUMN and PROCEDURE_PARAMETERS metadata schemes from system tables.

Changes in IBProvider v3 (build RC3)

New IBProvider v3 offers the brand new method for working with text data charsets:

  • We added ctype_user property that allows setting the encoding of data coming to client irrespective of the encoding in which this data is coming from database server.
  • New algorithms of BLOB fields converting provide for quick work with flowing data, optimization of interaction with ICU library.
  • We added ctype_none property that allows setting the charset for working with text data in NONE encoding.
  • Other important changes.
  • Support of Firebird and Interbase charsets aliases.

See detailed information on working with new character set processor in Firebird and Interbase character sets.

Text columns size in Firebird 2.X

IBProvider started to control text columns size when working with Firebird 2 servers in Unicode mode. If the length of loaded data exceeds the text column size the exclusion will be generated.

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Voting for the 2008 LinuxQuestions.org Members Choice Awards

You can show your support by voting your favorite Database in the “Database Of the Year category”
You just need to register first


I’m happy to announce that the nominees have been selected and the
polls for the 2008 LinuxQuestions.org Members Choice Awards are now
open. Congratulations to everyone that was nominated.

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